The COOLEST Games Ever Made
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MAKE A CHANGE I work as a nobody Where I am regarded as nothing Even though I mean nothing But a low regarded somebody
They subtly let me know my position As if they needed to remind me of my position Though they will never know my situation For I shall not aspire to be in their position
They forget so soon that all hands are not equal Neither is any condition permanent Without also knowing that a servant today may be the master tomorrow As life itself is transient
And that is why I must make a change So that I will not remain insulted in life But become an achiever in life Which is a task that must be done.
MAKE A DIFFERENCE The equality of life is birth As we all had to come to earth To live but a brief time And pay our homage with hate or love
The options of hate or love is the difference As both lays the success or failure you achieve And the delible and indelible marks you leave As you surely have to commence a trip to eternity on your departure
This is why you have to make a difference For it is a curse to perpetually remain in the crowd For also out of the crowd emerges a lord Which is a position of difference
Go an extra mile at your endeavors With the contentment of an achiever For they surely work with smiles and not tears Then you would know that you are making a difference.
INSPIRATION TO MY PEOPLE I see my people with gloomy faces I see my people all over in tears For they are opting for the crumbs of life As they have nothing to inspire them in life
But I still looked beyond them and found the rays of light As my fathers have always said after the tunnel there is light Now, I have to rechannel their sight To the true rays of God's light
I have to wake them up from their slumber So that we can go to work As we cannot afford to stay at the back But become a class of achiever
We have no reason not to get to the top For no tribe has the birthright to the top As we have been imbued with strength from above Which is all we need to get to the top.
VISION OF LIFE I have a vision in life And that is to be true to God and myself To do the task before me to the best of my abilities As I say thank you God with love
I have a vision of peace and love Loving my neighbors as I love myself in life And praying for my other brother to achieve what I achieve So that we can live amicably in love
My vision is to serve God if it is his will Because His will comes before my will As His will is the basis of peace And also the source and fountain of love
Give me a vision to make a difference in life To give water to my thirsty brother And at least a little succor to my hungry brother So that I can be blessed with a glimpse of smile.
THE EAGLE SOARS TO HEAVEN The eagle soars high to heaven With wings flapping to ascension Which is where it belongs In the heavens of heaven
The eagle flew over valleys and mountains As it conquered all obstacles For it must get to the heavens A home above all homes
The eagle over come death and pains And finally rested in the hands of God Who is always show love and compassion with His hands As He makes the weak very strong and good
The eagle finally found a base in heaven Where there is no hunger and pains Neither would there ever be sickness But everlasting love and peace in all ramifications.
AND ANOTHER DIES Today another has died Yesterday one also died Who will die tomorrow in our land
They never care who dies For they have to fulfill their ambitions Which is all that matter in their lives As they show their greed and selfishness
Of course only my category will suffer and die For they are beyond sufferings and perhaps will not die As they even suck our poverty and impoverishment from us And leave us with nothing but to die in pieces
How shall we bury the other and detoxifications Shall we carry the corpse to them in litters Or shall we give them mass burial to save them a piece of land As they are responsible for killing most in the land.
THEY HAVE A MISSION They have a mission They have a blue print in their mission To decimate the already impoverished As they must not co-exist in the same land The have an objective To reduce us to incompetence So that there will be no room for competition Even when it is crystal clear we never started the race on the same line
They are happy when all of us are in jailhouses Where they sure believe we belong But they refuse to understand our resilience As our resilience will see us through life
What next would they do to us To create a new war for us to fight and die As they have succeeded in causing more starvation As our homelessness is not enough satisfaction
They removed our right to the same education As affirmation policy scares them to heaven For we are not suppose to be equal humans But servants of our generation
What else do they want from us I suppose they have had enough From the times of our fathers to ours They should repent and not oppose the hands of God.
AS THAT DAY COMES As the last day comes I begin to reflect on the gifts of the lord From my conception to my departure time And found out that the lord is truly good
I imagined the breast milk he gives As he nurtured me with the purest milk of love Making me immune from diseases And all He did with absolute love
I begin to imagine the inches He added to me from my little tiny dot And found the miracle of growth overwhelming As inches lead to feet and I become a man All to his glory and creation
In the womb He supplied me air of life At birth He still gives me free fresh air To breathe and nourish my life So that I will remain healthy in life
As that day comes, I continue to imagine The unquantifiable amount of sunshine Which kept me warm through my lifetime As He set the thermostat that never overheated at any time
Then He gives me water to quench my thirst And no liquid was comparable or sweeter Yet it was free for my consumption So I drank the water of love of life
As the day draws nearer Some of us get farther While a very lucky few get closer For these are the anointed ones of the father
We have to review our lives To know if we shall meet the marks As it is stipulated in the book of life Which is suppose to be the foundation of life
As we search our souls for redemption We have to know if we have taken correction As we marched on the streets of life Which marked our passage
SURVIVING THE STORM At a young age you survived the storm You crossed the ocean in great storm When others drowned in the storm But your courage and perseverance saw you through treacherous storm
As you have come to dry ground You must remember the survival secrets on the ground You must continue to realize that contours fill the land So you must become an eagle to fly over the land
But we know you will soar to the sky Climbing mountains and crossing valley Which makes you a strong eagle With the wings to achieve
A survivor does not look back Because there would be no shore bank But a free world of sky Where you will ever remain happy. COLORS OF DISCRIMINATION
It comes in various colors It comes in different shades But none can tell the exact color Neither can you tell the exact shadow
The color might be white or blue Or might even resemble green or black As yellow or purple might be far from the block But the victim must be of a particular color or race
They dish it out in a subtle style For it is devoid of love Which makes it a menace For the victim must be seen to be humiliated
They play it out in camouflaged words As the words hit our persons And daze us to our bones Which eventually chills our hearts
They look at us scornfully As we unnecessarily become the enemy Which comes from heart of hate As they lack human care or love
Colors of discrimination is what we see everyday But whatever color of discrimination, we survive everyday For we are immune from birth So that we can occupy the earth.
I have pride in what I am I have pride in my work I still have pride in my lowly position For these are my choices
I have pride in my activities Even when it does not please the multitudes But it sure gives me happiness To know I am satisfied with my self
I have pride to be from the roots And acquire the experience of the scum of earth Which is an exalted position on earth And also authenticates my origin from the roots
So no office will bring me down Neither will any man or woman bring me down For I am a star of creation And my light cannot be extinguished in vain
Pride is not the birthright of a race But in our humbleness it comes to the surface To prove that we are what we are As our heads will be held high in life.
DO NOT TAKE MY LANGUAGE From years ago, they wanted everything As at today, they still want everything Leaving us with nothing As they even want our language
When we open our mouth we are misconstrued When we speak we are doubted All we do is seen in bad taste As we amount to nothing but waste
We must not speak our language For it does not sound like English language For when we speak they are sad As all we speak is accented and accursed
Let them leave us with our barbaric language So that we would have a gift for our future generation And instill the cultures of our fathers to our children As the foundation and basis of all cultures and learning is in language.
I am not prejudiced but opinionated For I express my mind Which makes some feel prejudiced And forget I am opinionated
I have a belief that does not translate to hate For in me there is so much love Which flows in abundance To bless men and women with love
I am not prejudiced against any one For nature has thought me to be free As I will not be polluted by prejudice Which will pull none down but me
I am not prejudiced but just me For I am born in love And was brought up in love As I cannot be polluted by hate and prejudice.
In those good old days, men took responsibilities They own up to their mistakes And pay for it in various terms But these has ceased to be in my generation
Men now lie to extremes Even when they jeopardize the lives of others They never own up to their mistakes Because they are defiant masters
My generation has changed the course of history As they create for us more enemies And hide in their riches As we remain perpetually unhappy
They fail to take the most precious decision of leaders Rejoice when your leadership makes people happy And abdicate leadership when you lead your people to shame As they have defiantly lied and changed the course of our lives
Defiant leadership, has definite end That is the reward of obliterated defiance And the inordinate urge to be despotic to people For they shall eventually come to an end.
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Spacial thanks to:
Dear Father of heaven
Did I say "Thank You," God today for all the joys along life's way for morning freshness just at dawn the lingering dark of nighttime gone, Did I remember in a prayer to thank you just for being there, For leading me through trials and fears and lending smiles in place of tears. dear God, and did you hear me say I thank You in a special way. Not just for worldly things, you see but for the love You've given me, A peace of mind, a joy supreme a soul to yearn, a heart to dream, The quiet beauty so sublime that satisfies this heart of mine.
My dearest Dad
I have come to your way to day to say how much you mean to me. For God gave you to us to love and in my heart you will always be. And as you watch me grow each year my heart just swells with love.....for you have made me so proud and i thank God up abouve . My heart felt words come to you to show how much I care.... and that my love for you will never part. Cause to me you are a special Dad , and with this special thankto you comes all my love for everything you do and an Extra special thanks for being you.
Thank you Mother
midist joy and fear you were always near understood me like no other. Your gentalness you caress for love, I thank you mother . So strong yet still quick for give always grateful for another . Along the way I would hear you say JUST GO A LITTLE and never say THERE IS NO WAY, I thank you Mother. With tenderness I pass your kiss and wisdom; thank you Mother.
To the many others who have touched my life espacially Sofia Shakir, Delphine, Arene(Harouna), Msafiri, Rukundo and Ndayisenga . I give you my heart felt Thanks